Window into my Soul

personal sharing of emotional highs or lows I am experiencing for prayer or rejoicing

Why half-timers can’t add.

Today is a hallmark day for me. It is the first official day of my going to a half-time position at Bridgewood Community Church. Anyone who ever works half-time at something knows that does not mean half-hearted. A half-time position seldom if ever means half-time employment. And that is why 5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions. No matter how you add all the halves together they always seem to equal more than one.

Why half-timers can’t add. Read More »

I must confess, I am a multitasker.

Like so many, I love technology and all it can do to make our lives easier. But technology enables us like never before to multitask and that can have harmful effects on our lives. The dark side is that it is so easy to sacrifice productivity, peace of mind and yes even relationships on the altar of multitasking. And ironically those are the very things we are hoping to gain by doing it.

I must confess, I am a multitasker. Read More »

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