“He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down.” Psalm 114:19 NIV
The seasons of life and passage of time, marked and measured by the divinely orchestrated movements of the moon and sun, are a relentless reminder of how fleeting our days upon earth are.
Ironically, rather than make the most of each day, we live in the tension vacillating between wishing we could turn the hands of the clock backward or move them forward, depending upon our circumstances.
However, a key to contentment, enabling us to seize the day, is remembering God is the Lord of the seasons and is at work fulfilling His divine purposes through whatever season He has us in.
This reminds me of something I wrote many years ago, “my life has been like a daisy, with time plucking off one petal after another, God loves me, God loves me not, until there was nothing left of the daisy but the center, God’s Word”.
Thanks for the comment Bonnie. Quite a picture and so fundamentally true. Keeping ourselves in the Love of God is the core of our existence. Blessings!