“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV
One of the most prominent things we see in the Bible that God has made “beautiful in its time” are each of His promises. In the fullness of time – from the birth of Isaac to Abraham and Sarah, to the birth of Jesus – we see God’s perfect timing in bringing to pass what He has promised. It’s important to remind ourselves of this truth, especially when growing weary in praying and waiting for God to answer our prayers or fulfill a promise He has given to us.
The timing of His promises is just like seeds sown. There is an inherent germination time that must pass before being brought to fruition. That is why the Bible encourages us to have faith and patience regarding God’s promises, and to see the beauty in the unfolding of their fulfillment (Hebrews 6:12). A wonderful patience building chorus about God making all things beautiful in His time is the song “In His Time” by Maranatha Music. It is a heartfelt confession about yielding to His timetable and asking God to teach us His ways day by day as we wait. You might want to play it and make it your prayer and meditation today.
Father, You make all things beautiful in your time. Help me today to trust You, to yield to Your timetable, and to wait patiently for You to fulfill Your promises in my life. Amen