Sometimes being too quick to defend ourselves, our interests or our opinions, draws us into battles we regret fighting. Escalating into no-win situations they waste our time and energy, and rob us of peace rather than secure it. Being drawn into fighting battles we are not meant to fight is a temptation we all face. A better way to approach such battles is to take Moses’ advice given to the Israelites when Pharaoh and his army were breathing down their neck at the Red Sea. “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 NIV
Only Be Still
The phrase “only be still” literally means “to be deaf and dumb to the adversary.” Choosing to be still is a real test of faith in trusting God. But it can provide a huge sense of relief in letting God fight our battles for us. Living a life of faith sometimes requires us to do nothing. This is counterintuitive to the natural tendency to do something and have our say. It can be difficult, and even unreasonable, to hold our peace when the Holy Spirit is nudging us to be still. However, the victory is won through setting aside our reasoning, impulsive reactions, and self-assertions. Choose therefore to be still. Let the Lord fight your battles for you. This old praise chorus is a great confession to make when faced with the temptation to fight rather than “only be still.”
Victory oh victory it is mine.
Victory oh victory it is mine.
If I hold my peace, let the Lord fight my battles
Victory oh victory it is mine!
Trust God to Fight for You
Are you confronted with a conflict? Are you in a battle over your head? Are you fighting a battle that is simply not worth fighting and has no gain – like winning an argument but losing the relationship? In such cases, to quote Shakespeare, “wisdom is the better part of valor.” In other words, do not fight the battle.
Jesus said “My peace I give you” (John 14:27). The peace He promises is not gained by earthly conquest. It is a gift He gives to those who choose to cease striving and simply trust Him to fight their battles for them. The peace He gives is an internal tranquility of heart that is independent of external circumstances. In the midst of a conflict, your sure guide to victory is His peace. Seek it. Value it. Guard it.
Lord Jesus, let Your peace that passes all understanding, rule in my heart and mind in the midst of the conflict around me. Keep me in a place of rest and give me Your wisdom and direction from above, to fight only those battles You have ordained for me to fight. Amen
Dear Tom,
Your post today couldn’t have come a more needed time in my life. I thank God for you and using your talents and blog as a message that I needed to here.
Keep going! You are bringing God’s peace to more people than you could ever know!
In faith,
Thank you Tanja for your comment and encouraging words.