Glorifying God in an April Snowstorm
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech.” Psalm 19:1-2
This morning here in Twin Cities (Minnesota) we all woke up to a mid-April snow storm dumping 4-6 inches of snow and regrettably extending an already interminable winter. When I went outside between 6 and 7 AM to put out our trash receptacle, the visibility was blizzard like and it took some effort to wrestle the container, wheels and all, through the snow to the curb. I was grumbling and complaining to myself and to the Lord, and vowing that no matter what, I was done shoveling for the year and absolutely would not lift a finger to get rid of the snow in my driveway. Leave it to nature for it to eventually melt away! I have had it!
As I was walking back to the garage shaking my head with incredulity and listening to the crunch of snow under my feet I suddenly noticed another sound. It caught me off guard because it seemed so incongruous with the blizzard like conditions. It was the sound of a bird singing. Somewhere in one of my trees there was some crazy bird singing his little heart out in joyful song.
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