Devotional website favorites

Here are some of my favorite websites that I use for my daily time with the Lord.   

YouVersion  is my most used website for my daily devotional reading.   It has 16 different English translations (plus many foreign languages) of the Bible including the NIV which I’ve been using for years and the New Living Translation which I now favor for a fresh look at the scriptures.  YouVersion also has 20+ Bible Reading plans to choose from.  I am presently using the Robert Roberts 1 year through the Bible plan.  I like this site because it is so easy to switch back and forth between translations and it also has an application for smart phones which allows me to take it with me where ever I go.

Search God Word  is a great companion to YouVersion.  It has nearly 20 translations (not NIV however) plus many Bible study helps including concordances (including Strongs), commentaries (16), daily reading plans, daily devotional classics (including My Utmost for His Highest – a favorite of mine), Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, lexicons and historical works. lf you want to do Bible research on a topic or scripture this is an indispensable site.

The Divine Hours is a compilation of assigned prayers and scripture readings that have their roots in historical biblical tradition.  Referred to as the offices, they are prescribed devotional readings for each of the four periods in a day – morning, midday, vespers (evening) and compline (before retiring).  If at times you prefer to use a more formalized approach in expressing your devotion to God, as I do, these are tried and true scriptural declarations of repentance, dependence and faith in God.  I use this periodically as the Holy Spirit leads me and have used it for corporate prayer times with my wife.

2 thoughts on “Devotional website favorites”

  1. I just starting using You Version on my itouch in January and love it. What a great way to read through the Bible in a year or customize a plan that works for you.

  2. Love your blog, Tom!
    You have given me some thoughts to chew with my “gums”. Bless you for your willingness to share with us what God has given to you.

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