Managing life’s tensions

Last week at the Willow Creek Association’s annual Leadership Summit I heard a great message entitled the Upside of Tension. It was given by Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church in Georgia. His premise was that there are some tensions in life and in the church that are not meant to be resolved. In fact solving them will likely just create new tensions. They are tensions that are to be managed and not to be solved. Andy’s point was that proper management of them actually produces great benefit and progress.

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5 reasons why no one should miss the Dead Sea Scrolls

I recently spent an afternoon at the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul visiting The Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit now on display. It was a deeply impacting time for me. My wife Susan and I visited Israel and toured its length and breadth several years ago. Although we saw the caves of Qumran on the Northeast coast of the Dead Sea we were unable to visit the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem where the scrolls are housed because the museum was closed for renovation. I was disappointed at the time in not seeing them first hand.

Now after visiting the exhibit available here through October 24, 2010, I would strongly recommend everyone taking advantage of this amazing opportunity right in our backyard. You will not regret it.
Here are my 5 reasons why no one should miss the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit.

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