June 2010

Reflections and Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage (Part 4)

This is the fourth installment of Reflections & Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage. Today I am focusing on the no-brainer aspects of communication in marriage. They should go without saying, but it is often the disregard of these simple nuances that end up being “the little foxes that spoil the vines.” (Song of Solomon 2:15) Check out the previous three days for the first six points.

Reflections and Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage (Part 4) Read More »

Reflections and Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage (Part 3)

This is the third installment of Reflections & Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage. Here are some more survival principles learned from the wilderness of marriage. Check out the previous two days for the first four points. Affirm one another – Look for the good in one another and communicate what you see. Lead by example. Take the initiative to demonstrate the love of Jesus in your marriage. Be Christ to your spouse.

Reflections and Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage (Part 3) Read More »

Down day? 5 things to do that will help!

There is a story in the Bible that gives some very practical advice in coping with such a gamut of melancholy. It is the story in 1 Kings 19:1-8, of the prophet Elijah’s battle in dealing with the deepest low of his life. Most people, at one time or other in life can identify with Elijah. For myself, having been a person who has had some skirmishes with depression, I know that the things God used in Elijah’s life to pull him through work. And so, here are five things God used in Elijah’s life to help him cope with and overcome his depression.

Down day? 5 things to do that will help! Read More »

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