“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3 ESV
The precious gift of having the peace of God ruling in our hearts comes from focusing our mind (thoughts and imagination) on Jesus and His kind intentions for us.
How is that possible one asks, when fear and frustration so easily distract and derail us from staying our mind on Him and trusting Him to give us the peace we so desperately need?
From the saints of old, in Genesis to Revelation, we discover the answer. It is through praise and worship, along with reading and meditating upon, confessing and praying God’s word, that victory comes.
I was thinking of Rom 8:32– how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things ? We better only praise & thank Him all the time. And I opened my mail to read your ” devotion for the day here.” God has indeed blessed His Body with His servant ” Tom Stuart” to build us up.Every day Manna comes to us this way. We all are indebted to pray for your well being in all aspects.
Thank you Timotheus! God’s blessings to you!