When It’s Time to “Move On!”

“Some time later the brook dried up.” 1 Kings 17:7 NIV

Most of us usually perceive change as loss. Being forced to go from the known to the unknown is not only inconvenient, it also brings us face to face with our fears of failure and lack. A fact of life is that times and seasons change.

Sometimes brooks that sustain and refresh us dry up. God called Elijah to move on in order to fulfill the destiny He had for him. It is the same for all of God’s children. At times, He redirects our lives for His purposes and our good. Abraham was called to leave his “country, kindred, and his father’s house” to go to a land he didn’t know.

Living a life of faith repeatedly requires leaving things behind if we are to possess God’s best. Is God drying up things in your life? Is He causing you to look to Him for what is next? Is He prying your grip from things you are comfortable with so He can put new things into your hands? If so, be assured it is always a call to go deeper in dependence on Him, and higher in His purposes. In Jim Elliott’s immortal words, we are simply giving “what we cannot keep to gain what we cannot lose.”

Father, I thank you that I can trust You as times and seasons bring change into my life. Help me to trust You as I seek to release what I cannot keep to gain what You are purposing to give me that I cannot lose. Amen

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