How to Talk to Yourself
This is a powerful illustration of what the Bible refers to as the Spirit warring against the flesh or soulish self, and triumphing over it by speaking truth.
How to Talk to Yourself Read More »
This is a powerful illustration of what the Bible refers to as the Spirit warring against the flesh or soulish self, and triumphing over it by speaking truth.
How to Talk to Yourself Read More »
How is that possible one asks, when fear and frustration so easily distract and derail us from staying our mind on Him and trusting Him to give us the peace we so desperately need?
Fixing Our Mind on Jesus Read More »
Having hope in God is hanging in there while believing that at some point, as surely as the sun rises each day, we will eventually be saved from the things which afflict us.
Where a Breakthrough Starts Read More »
Since life or death are in the power of the tongue what we say about ourselves and our destiny really does make a difference.
Let the weak say “I am strong.” Read More »
“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Children have a lot to teach us about kingdom ways and the joys of being a child of the Heavenly Father. I am relearning some of these valuable lessons simply by being on vacation with two of my little grandchildren. My wife Susan and I are on a Caribbean getaway sharing a condo near a beach with our oldest daughter and her family. Sophie (6) and Greta (3) like all children have boundless energy and active imaginations. What has been fascinating to me is their tireless delight in creativity and play.
It is no exaggeration to say that every waking minute is taken up with some industrious engagement either in creating something or game playing. Their creativity is channeled through many different activities including drawing, coloring, writing, singing, dancing and acting out imaginary scenarios, all of which others are invited to enjoy, critique, applaud and/or participate.
They have an amazing capacity to churn out works of art with great rapidity, ushering from a free flow of ideas that are uninhibited by over thinking and self-critical judgments. One typical day Sophie drew and colored several beach scenes, wrote a story entitled “The Three Ants” akin to the three bears tale and joined Greta in opening an art gallery and spa to which all of us were invited. We also played tag in the pool between numerous games of Uno, Skip-Bo, and Mexican Dominoes. In the evening Greta orchestrated a show in which she performed and then assigned each adult an instrument to play as she conducted.
There is something to be said for the renewing and energizing power of playful, creative pursuits in life. My joy in watching and participating in my grandchildren’s creativity reminds me of how God must feel when He sees us as His children utilizing the creative gifts He has given us. I am convinced that an integral aspect of ruling and reigning with Christ Jesus is conceiving, designing and/or generating new things for God’s glory.
The Joys of Childlike Creativity Read More »