“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, persistent in prayer.” Romans 12:12 BSB
This is one of those verses for all seasons. The kind of saying that can be affixed in a needlepoint, adorned in a frame, and hung on the wall where we are reminded of it daily.
Because He is the God of hope, no matter what our circumstances, He provides a way for us to face it, and navigate our way through it with grace and confidence.
And our prayer is the golden thread woven intricately throughout, that knits our heart to His, sustaining us and tracing a path to victory.
Praise God for all time versatile Word. We can not fathom the beauty of the Word of God. Deeper we dig, it’s deeper still. We are called to practice Patience in affliction: looking at our Master, keeps us going.
Praise God for all time versatile Word. We can not fathom the beauty of the Word of God. Deeper we dig, it’s deeper still. We are called to practice Patience in affliction: looking at our Master, keeps us going. As we do so by staying firm against all storms facing us.