Is salt on your content label?

Recently I was sentenced by my doctor to 18 days without any salt in my diet. I discovered it was like working in a salt mine but not being able to have any salt. It was a blessing in disguise however, because it radically opened my eyes to what Jesus was talking about when He called His followers to be the salt of the earth. (Matthew 5:13)

Salt is used primarily for two reasons — to add flavor and as a preservative. Every grocery store and restaurant would have difficulty surviving without it because it makes what they sell tasty –and even more importantly as a preservative it extends the shelf life of their products.

As never before, my diet helped me realize that as sodium extends the life of a perishable, how much more are we, as followers of Jesus, to be the salt of the world to extend the perishable lives of people into imperishable eternity. (1 Corinthians 15:53-54

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A strategy to overcome panic and fear

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 1:3

Yesterday I had my second “eyes to thighs” scan in follow-up to my radioactive iodine therapy last weekend. It was scheduled to provide a “benchmark” for any future scans.

I went into this scan with some trepidation because of what happened on my first scan. But at the same time, because of the valuable faith principle I had relearned, I relished a chance to do it again. My hope was to sail through this scan with flying colors while resting in God’s love.

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Update from radioactive iodine treatment

As is often the case there were times over the weekend that I felt like the cure was worse than the disease. The second day the ill effects of nausea and extreme fatigue caught up with me. But don’t get me wrong, as has been the case over the past three months my posture has been one of fighting this thing speaking words of faith: confessing the promises of scripture, thanking God for His healing power and believing mightily in a prayer answering God.

Between 10 and 10:30 AM yesterday morning (Sunday & day 3) I experienced what can only described as a miraculous breakthrough in the Spirit.

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The counter intuitive ways of God

I slept in a separate bedroom from my wife last night. No we didn’t have a fight. I am still in radioactive isolation. (See yesterday’s blog Watchout! I’m radioactive!) This was a first. Never in over 40 years of marriage have we slept in separate bedrooms under the same roof. That my friend, is a testimony to the grace of God in being the reconciler in our marriage, and not to any merit of mine.

This whole cancer thing has driven home to me like nothing before the counter intuitive ways of God. (Isaiah 55:9) See If life is short, how should I live? and Do not waste your troubles. God’s economy is the opposite of the world’s. He turns foolishness into wisdom, weakness into strength and what others despise into a treasure. (1 Corinthians 1:25-29)

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